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Decoupling CI and CD for Efficient Deployments

  Introduction In the fast-paced world of software development, Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) have become synonymous with agility and reliability. While these practices are often intertwined, a distinct separation of concerns between the two can significantly enhance the efficiency and stability of Kubernetes (or any other target) deployments. This blog post delves into the benefits of this decoupling, the design principles involved, and the role of GitOps and security in this architecture. Understanding the CI and CD Divide CI focuses on building, testing, and packaging software into deployable artifacts. It's a developer-centric process that ensures code quality and consistency. The output of CI is a build artifact, ready for deployment. CD is about delivering the artifact to various environments, from development to production. It's an operations-centric process that emphasizes automation, reliability, and safety. CD leverages infrastructure as c...

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