Friday 19 May 2023

Decoupling CI and CD for Efficient Deployments



In the fast-paced world of software development, Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) have become synonymous with agility and reliability. While these practices are often intertwined, a distinct separation of concerns between the two can significantly enhance the efficiency and stability of Kubernetes (or any other target) deployments. This blog post delves into the benefits of this decoupling, the design principles involved, and the role of GitOps and security in this architecture.

Understanding the CI and CD Divide

CI focuses on building, testing, and packaging software into deployable artifacts. It's a developer-centric process that ensures code quality and consistency. The output of CI is a build artifact, ready for deployment.

CD is about delivering the artifact to various environments, from development to production. It's an operations-centric process that emphasizes automation, reliability, and safety. CD leverages infrastructure as code (IaC) and configuration management tools to deploy the artifact.

Design Principles for Decoupling CI and CD

  • Artifact Independence: The build artifact should be self-contained, requiring no external dependencies. This ensures it can be deployed to any environment without modifications. We cannot have any dependency on the original source code or any external artifact in this. This ensures that we are able to deploy this build at any point in future.
  • Environment Configuration: Environment-specific configurations, such as database connections or API keys, should be managed separately from the build artifact. This promotes flexibility and security.
  • Infrastructure as Code/Data: Utilize IaC or IaD tools to define the desired state of the infrastructure. This enables consistent and repeatable deployments.
  • GitOps: Employ GitOps principles to manage application configuration and infrastructure as code in a declarative manner. This provides a single source of truth and facilitates rollbacks.
  • Security: Implement robust security measures to protect the CI/CD pipeline and deployed applications. This includes access controls, vulnerability scanning, and encryption. This also focuses on specific role called as Operator (which we can merge into Developers as teams become mature to achieve required agility) who deploys the product to the productive environments.

Separation of Concerns and Team Structure

Decoupling CI and CD aligns with the separation of concerns principle. Developers focus on building and testing, while operations teams concentrate on deployment and infrastructure management. This division of responsibilities promotes efficiency and reduces bottlenecks.

Who Deploys to Production?

In a mature CI/CD pipeline, the role of deploying to production should be carefully considered. While developers might initiate the deployment process, it's often beneficial to have a dedicated operations or release engineering team responsible for the final push to production. This team can implement additional checks, approvals, and rollback mechanisms to mitigate risks.


This is a pattern recommended for large products and team sizes bigger than 50 delivering multiple services into production to achieve the stability and reliability of product rollouts.
